Saturday, 27 February 2010

What Is Microdermabrasion?The Benefits and Risks of Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer

The Benefits and Risks of Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer of dead skin cells from the face, chest and hands. For best results, it is recommended you get a series of treatments and use in conjunction with anti-aging skin care products.
The price for a single microdermabrasion treatment usually ranges from $100 - $150. With a series, you might get one free. Microdermabrasion takes about 20-30 minutes and there's no down-time for the skin to recover. That's why it's also sometimes called a "lunchtime peel."
Benefits of Microdermabrasion
* Microdermabrasion leaves skin with a fresher, more glowing look.
* Microdermabrasion diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, and coarse textured skin.
* Microdermabrasion makes it easy for high-tech skin care products to actually penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help build collagen, which gives skin its youthful appearance.
Other Names for Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is also known as particle resurfacing, power peel, derma-peel or Parisian peel.
How Microdermabrasion Works
Microdermabrasion uses a powerful device to spray microcrystals of aluminum dioxide (corundum powder) across the skin’s surface. The aluminum dioxide is a very fine, very hard, sand-like material that blasts away the uppermost layer of dead skin cells on the skin's epidermis.
Microdermabrasion can be uncomfortable around the sensitive tissue of the mouth and nose, but should not be painful. After the treatment, the technician vacuums away the traces of the corundum powder.
Cautions on Microdermabrasion
*Check on the training of the person who is going to give you the microdermabrasion treatment. Results depend in part on their expertise.
*Make sure all traces of the aluminum dioxide is removed from your skin.
*Apply sunscreen and stay out of the sun after your treatment. Along with the dead skin cells, you have removed some of your protection.
*Microdermabrasion is not recommended for sensitive skin, skin that easily reddens (called couperous), or skin with acne breakouts.
*Aging skin is already thin. Overdoing microdermabrasion treatments can make it even thinner.
Bella Pelle Laser now offers a full line of esthetic services including Microdermabrasion in addition to laser hair removal and VelaShape. We are conveniently located in Broomfield and serve the metro Denver and Boulder areas.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Pros and Cons of Hairstyling Products

Gels, mousse, hair creams, hair sprays, hair wax... you name it, I'm sure you've tried it. Whether it worked or not, all of us have used hair products at one time or another. Some of us use products for the look it gives, some for the texture, and some for its nourishing effect. Whatever are reasons were, all of us have gone through the "shoot and miss" dilemna when choosing the right product for you. Here are a few tips that hopefully help you through in choosing what's right for you.
Hair Gels.
Since the 80's hair gels has been a mainstay in salons for its hairstyling needs. A classic solution for taming wild and unruly hair, hair gels contains polymers and glycols that give a natural hold and shine that would hold whatever hairstyle you shaped. Humidity resistant additive makes gel-styled hair last the entire day and ensure a wet-look to your style. Alcohol-additives, however, makes long-term use of this product not advisable as it could damage your hair and cause more harm than good. Development of water-based gels makes this product less-harmful but is not as humidity and sweat resistant as alcohol-based hair gels.
Hair Mousse.
Appearing in the late 80's and early 90's, hair mousse was a revolutionary product when it first came out. Providing a very firm hold while retaining natural softness to your hair, it was ideal for producing a natural, everyday look to your hair. However, it was later found out that long-term use could be harmful to your hair as this product also contains alcohol-based ingredients that could definitely harm your hair.
Hair Spray.
A salon styling-aid, hair spray provides a very stiff hold for those very radical hairstyles. Along with hair gels, hair sprays came out in the 80's and produced those very wild-looking hairstyles well known during that decade. Resistant to heat, humidity, water and sweat, hair spray is perfect for special occasions that require long-lasting hairstyles. But again, alcohol content makes this product not ideal for everyday use.
Hair Creams.
Light and oil-based, hair creams provide a nourishing effect to your hair. Oil additives also provide a nice light hold to your hair that provides a natural look to your hair. However, this product lacks that long-lasting effect of other products as it does not contain humidity-resistant and water-resistant properties.
Hair Wax.
The most recent product that came out of the market, hair wax combines some of the positive qualities of creams and gels. Containing beeswax, it provides the nourishing effect of oil-based products while retaining a firm hold of alcohol-based products. Able to hold even the most radical styles, hair wax made possible all the styles we see today. The natural look it gives eliminates the "stiff" look produced by hair gels or sprays and the wax provides natural resistance against humidity and water. However, like alcohol, wax could be harmful to your hair when used for prolonged period of time.
So take your pick, but whichever you chose make sure that you do everything in moderation because too much of anything could do more harm than good.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Excessive hair or hair in unwanted places has been a long-standing problem for both men and women. Traditional methods of hair removal have proven to be slow, temporary, and oftentimes painful, and electrolysis hair removal treatments can be very time consuming. However, people can now experience a convenient and permanent alternative by way of laser hair removal treatment, which allows for quick, satisfying results.

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

Laser hair removal is not only extremely effective in permanently reducing unwanted hair, but it is also extremely convenient. Smaller areas can be treated in 10 minutes or less, and patients are able to return to normal activities immediately. Additionally, most patients find that the many benefits far outweigh the minor risks associated with laser hair removal treatment.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal Results

Patients enjoy a permanent reduction in unwanted hair and smooth, soft skin after laser hair removal treatments. While results can, in some instances, slowly fade and necessitate touch-up laser hair removal treatment sessions, they are typically necessary only once a year or less. However, most patients experience long-lasting, beautiful results.

Effective and Convenient Treatment

The appeal of laser hair removal stems from its effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience. Laser hair removal can easily treat large areas of hair growth in a relatively short amount of time. For example, an entire back can be treated through laser hair removal and optimum results can be achieved in as little as an hour.
The treatment is much more efficient than shaving or tweezing on a regular basis. While at-home self-treatment may be cheaper, it also takes much more time and effort to remove hair than it does with laser hair removal. Also, tweezing and shaving do not offer permanent results like laser hair removal does.
Laser hair removal also makes it possible to achieve satisfying results without the pain associated with other types of treatments like waxing. While people who undergo waxing often describe the treatment as repeated burning sensations, laser hair removal involves only minor discomfort.
Lastly, laser hair removal provides excellent results with less risk of skin irritation than the use of depilatories, or hair removal creams. The main active chemical in depilatory creams can actually melt away skin cells, causing mild to severe skin irritation. And, while hair removal creams can provide good results, they are only temporary.
If you are in the metro Denver Boulder area please come visit us for your hair removal needs at Bella Pelle Laser.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Hollywood Baldness

To an ordinary guy, his hair is his crown and glory. What more to a male Hollywood celebrity whose bread and butter is his looks? Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 men will suffer from varying degrees of baldness and being a celebrity does not exclude anyone from this predicament.

So how do stars deal with this? Short of doing drastic hair follicle replacements and surgeries or modern medications, here are a few trick that Hollywood stars use to make their heads look like “glamour” written all over it.


Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Stewart were known for having hairpieces especially made for them and styled for them. Although this is the easiest and quickest remedy for baldness, it does have its consequences. Aside from being expensive and would require frequent maintenance, hairpieces are known for having an “artificial look” when exposed to daylight. It might look good on the cameras but it would make an ordinary Jow look ridiculous and would not be advisable for everyday use. Not to mention, winds exceeding 10 mph would definitely blow everything away and reveal to the world your “secret.”

Hair extensions

Receding hairline is the most common pattern of baldness. It is also the most difficult to hide. What to do? Make the most of what is left. Attach artificial hair to your own hair. Matthew McCounneghey, Brendan Frazier, and Ben Affleck are rumored to have utilized hair extensions in (or maybe even out) of the silver screen. While hair extension do have a not-so-drastic approach and, by all means, can be an everyday remedy, like toupees, it still has an artificial look in it and would only work with today’s cinema magic.

Drastic Hairstyles

This is the most common remedy that celebrities do to address their baldness. While comb over style ala-Donald Trump works well for elderly celebrities (as well as for the common grandpas) it does seem kind of out-of-date and has the word “bald underneath” written all over it. Fortunately, there are now modern hairstyles that would effectively hide, or at the very least, reduce the effect of baldness. Jude Law noticeably has a receding hairline, but with the right haircut and proper styling, we could hardly notice it on the silver screen.

Shaving it all of

However, if styling or haircut does not work for you, going all out could be the only way. It’s easy to do for the stylist and easy to maintain for the person. Vin Diesel, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson to name a few are perfect examples of celebrities who went all out when their balding patterns are no longer controllable. Even with their crowns of, these celebrities still look dignified, attractive and retained the “glitter and glamour” celebrities are known for.

So take your pick; hair extension, new hairstyles, or going bald? Whatever you chose, pick the one that would make you feel comfortable and confident about your self.

Don’t worry. In this day and age, Bald is beautiful.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Trendy Short Hairstyles from Celebrity In 2010

Short hairstyles are representative of any type of person we are representing. Short haircut is not for everybody, some will find compact hairstyles actually more complimentary on them than longer hairstyles.

Trendy Short Hairstyles

Trendy Short Hairstyles

Trendy Short Hairstyles

Trendy Short Hairstyles

Trendy Short Hairstyles

New Hairstyles For Long Hair

Hairstyles For Long Hair New Hairstyles For Long Hair

Hairstyles For Long Hair New Hairstyles For Long Hair

Hairstyles For Long Hair New Hairstyles For Long Hair

Hairstyles For Long Hair New Hairstyles For Long Hair

Monday, 8 February 2010

Keira Knightley Short Pixie Hairstyles

Keira Knightley has many beautiful short hairstyles and she restyled her hairstyles over the years depending on the roles in movies.Keira Knightley short look works simply gorgeous on hera,and she looks very chic and stylish with short haircut as you can see in the photos bellow of cute short pixie haircuts:

Keira Knightley Short Pixie HairstylesKeira Knightley Short Pixie Hairstyles

Keira Knightley Short Pixie HairstylesKeira Knightley Short Pixie Hairstyles

Keira Knightley Short Pixie HairstylesKeira Knightley Short Pixie Hairstyles

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Hope you're enjoying the Superbowl. I Am! Wearing my New Zealand All Black Rugby jersey and enjoying the comercials.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up and stand on the scales and realize you had one too many slices of pizza and you need to shed few pounds, think of Bella Pella laser for your weight loss needs. We use the clinically proven Usana Reset program.

As you're comitted to losing those last few pounds, also consider laser hair removal, then come summer you'll be ready for the beach or lake. If you're in the Denver or Boulder area come visit us: Bella Pelle laser

Friday, 5 February 2010

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

Elizabeth Shue wear great curly haircuts to mach perfect for her quite oval face shape. The width is too similar at the hairline and the cheeks. Elizabeth Shue chin is square, with a straight line at the center.Many actresses like Elizabeth Shue with short haircuts go for curly hair.Their face shapes are alike but not identical, and hair styles that are sometimes similar so if you look almost the same these cute short curly haircuts will be perfect for you:

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

2010 Short Curly Hairstyles2010 Short Curly Hairstyles

Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010

Styling short hair requires less time to maintained and you can have a lot of cute short hairaucts like the spikes, layers and waves, short straight hair and other many new trendy hairstyles .Short haircuts on women for this winter 2010 makes it easier for you with less time and products to style your hair. Short sexy hair is the trend and more woman are following after their favorite celebrities with cute short hair as in these pictures bellow of short blonde haircuts for 2010:

Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Blonde Hairstyles 2010

Latest Beautiful Short Messy Hairstyles 2010

You have to chose the best haircuts and colors that will work the best for you. The best haircut for you should highlight your natural features and emphasize your beauty. Here are some haircuts that look beautiful on you and makes you feel great!

Latest Beautiful Short Messy Hairstyles 2010

Latest Beautiful Short Messy Hairstyles 2010

Latest Beautiful Short Messy Hairstyles 2010

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

How does VelaShape Work?

VelaShape™ features the revolutionary Elos technology, a combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage.
The precise heating ensures a safe, effective, fast treatment with no downtime. Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers.
The result:
  • Gradual smoothening of skin's surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite
  • Circumferential Reduction, with noticeable reshaping of the treated area
In a clinical multi-center study, 85% of the treated areas have reported Circumferential Reduction of thighs of at least 1cm; ranging up to 7.2cm in reduction.
With VelaShape™ it is easy to enhance your body, improve your lifestyle and feel better about yourself!
Come visit us at Bella Pelle Laser for a free consultation to see what VelaShape can do for you. We're located in Broomfield Colorado. If you're in Boulder, Denver, Westminster, Erie, Northglenn, Arvada, Superior, or the metro Denver area, then we're close to you.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010

Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010

Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010

Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010

Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010Latest Cute Short Bob Haircuts Fashion Style 2010

New Cool Short Haircuts 2010

Short haircuts are wanted by everyone, here are some very nice short haircuts 2010. This short haircuts has attracted the interest of women, if you are one of them here are the photos of new cool short haircuts for 2010:

New Cool Short Haircuts 2010New Cool Short Haircuts 2010

New Cool Short Haircuts 2010New Cool Short Haircuts 2010

New Cool Short Haircuts 2010New Cool Short Haircuts 2010

Best Versions Hairstyles Of Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

The bob haircut was firstly used in the 50’s in the movies made great these bob haircuts by the celebrity women.The angled bob hairstyles are very popular in the United States and are also becoming popular all over the world. Yoon Eun-Hye had a bob haircut that was really cute and was actually the inspiration for a lot of the other celebrities along with non celebrities to cut off all of their hair and get a manageable angled bob hairstyle.

Short Bob Hairstyle 2010Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Short Bob Hairstyle 2010Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Short Bob Hairstyle 2010Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Short Bob Hairstyle 2010Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Short Bob Hairstyle 2010Short Bob Hairstyle 2010

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Cute and cool short hairstyles for women are a great and classy haircut for every occasions.It is cute and chic haircut for young women but can also be fit for formal events. If you like to change your look often these short haircuts are great, there are always new trends and try to follow it. Check these cute and cool short hairstyles for winter 2010:

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Women Cute and Cool Short Hairstyles

Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010

For a cool messy short hairstyle features a choppy part with lightly side swept bangs to add some flair and contrast to the appearance. Cool messy short hairstyles are great for Oval face shape, diamond face shape, heart-shaped face shape, square face so you can try this short messy haircut because it will suite your face shape and will improve your general look and your time for maintenance, check the photos bellow of cool short messy haircuts 2010:

Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010

Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010

Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010Latest Messy Short Hairstyles Trends 2010

Cute Short Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Hairstyles 2010

Cute Short Hairstyles 2010Cute Short Hairstyles 2010

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